A cargo vessel overturned causing severe damage to one of the most fragile ecosystems of the world. The vessel containing 600 gallons of oil spilled into the waters around the Galapagos islands, in Ecuador.

The incident happened while a crane was loading off a container that held an electricity generator which eventually fell into the vessel, causing the vessel to sink. Ecuador’s environment minister Raul Ledesma said the sunken generator was the source of the oil seen in the water. The attorney general’s office reported injury of one person during the incident.

Video of the incident happens to show the crane losing control of the container and then falling on the ship. All three then tip over into the sea, forcing the crew to jump off the ship as it began to capsize in ocean waters.

The situation is under control since the oil spill, but authorities are quite worried about spillage which might have caused damage to the flora and fauna existing under water.

Mr Ledesma added that authorities are also very much concerned about recovery of the vessel, which was carrying the fuel for its own operations as well.  “We are very concerned about the recovery work of the tanks because there could be a potential spill if it is not done efficiently and swiftly.” he said.

About 1,000 km (621 miles) from Ecuador’s mainland, the Galapagos Islands are home to a variety of wildlife that famously inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution following his visit in 1835. The archipelago is home to many extraordinary species that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth.

The islands are included on the Unesco world heritage list and have been deemed “at risk” in 2007 after population growth, fishing, and tourism. The activities consequently had put pressure on natural resources there, though the label was removed in 2010 following work by Ecuadorean conservationists.

Confirmation was received by Mr. Ledesma that some animals, including sea iguanas and sea lions, had been tested and fortunately no bad effects on their health had been reported. 

Ecuadorean President Lenín Moreno has declared the state of emergency when the collision first occurred but said the situation was under control as of early Monday.

“Thanks to the timely interventions of several institutions, we have it under control. I am in permanent contact with Norman Wray and the COE is activated to watch over the Galapagueños,” Moreno said in a tweet translated from Spanish. The COE is Ecuador’s Emergency Operations Committee.

Oil spills, routine shipping, run-offs and dumping daily affect the health of the oceans. The dataset by the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF), estimated that between 1970 and 2016 approximately 5.73 million tonnes of oil were lost as a result of tanker incidents. As single large incidents can be responsible for a huge share of all the oil spilled in a given year, it is advisable to look at trends or decade averages.

According to the reports released by ITOPF, the largest oil spill caused by a tanker was caused by the SS Atlantic Empress, which sank close to Trinidad and Tobago in 1979.

Among the damages that might be caused by oil pollution are injuries and deaths to marine life, humans (directly, or indirectly through the sea food chain), business (fishing, tourism, etc.), and natural resources (beaches, marshes, etc.). While most oil spills are unintentional and private parties do have incentives to avoid them, those incentives are generally inadequate if governmental involvement is lacking. Deterring oil spills from occurring requires a combination of laws (e.g., requirements for training, equipment, and contingency plans, double-hulled tankers, and liability laws), government monitoring, and government enforcement activities.

The water is undoubtedly the ‘Elixir of life’ and it needs to be preserved and not wasted.

Spreading awareness regarding water sustainability and management through schools, colleges and governmental programs are an essential part for water-saving drive.

The impact of any pollution is typical but when it comes to water it harms a whole lot. The natural drinking water is already scarcely available and there are only rare techniques to make the abundantly available salty water safe for drinking.



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